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Dive into creative placemaking with an online discussion about our new interactive guide on 2/17

Join Transportation for America as we release our new online interactive creative placemaking guide, The Scenic Route: Getting Started With Creative Placemaking in Transportation, with an interactive webinar on Wednesday, February 17, 2016 at 3:30pm EST.

creative placemaking twitter

America’s cities, towns and suburbs are rapidly changing and evolving, and transportation investments are playing a catalytic role in transforming communities. But all too often, major transportation projects are disruptive to the surrounding community, and frequently impact or even displace existing residents and businesses.

For those of you planning, designing and building transportation projects, creative placemaking is an emerging approach that every community should consider.

What is creative placemaking? An approach that can lead to better projects and better places, that uses arts and culture to more genuinely reflect what makes a community unique, that builds the kind of trust and relationships between the public and the planners that can make it easier to advance these important projects or the funding required to build them.

Join the kickoff webinar to learn about some of the most exciting placemaking projects in the country. You’ll also get an early copy of the forthcoming guidebook when it’s released. The event will be a chance to ask questions of our placemaking experts. And be sure to share your own successes on Twitter at the hashtag #CPguidebook.

We look forward to having you join us next week!